Who I Am…

       I am from a red, white, and green flag with a blue flower in the middle.

From dad forcing me into the life of old classic rock,

And from mom forbidding the words “stupid” and “shut up”, but pretending to not heard them when my sister was being especially mean.

I come from the birthplace of Plano, Texas, and from the smells of yellow curry, and pink lotus flowers,

And from Brother Bear, Mulan 1&2, The Jungle Book, and all Disney princess movies,

From Nathan and Maya, and close friends of the family.

I am from gold, red, green, and brown, the color scheme of our house, warm, and inviting,

From huge gardens, bright flowers, a trampoline, and swings that can absorb my interest like a towel for hours at a time,

As well as I am from that one color-blinding, unnatural seizure-inducing bright turquoise room, owned by my sister, that doesn’t compliment or go with anything in our house.

From a house of love, tradition, and of putting family first,  from my home, a habitat like no one else’s,

I am from a trusting household,

I am from home.

2 thoughts on “Who I Am…

  1. Vivid imagery in this, Saira–and all of it so meaningful. I love those last lines, too. I’d like you to ask your family about keeping your last name on your blog, though…it really works so well for the poem, but we do ask students to not use last names online. Let’s talk about an alternative. I have an idea.

  2. I really like how you structured this poem. It has rhythm and a lot of imagery so I can picture things easily. You also have a very strong voice in this piece.

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