Reading and Me

Reading is a very complicated thing for me. I’m not a very gifted reader, but only because I used to be. This might not make sense, but back in  Third Grade, I was the biggest bookworm to be found. I read basically everything the average person would recommend to you. The Harry Potter Series, The Hunger Games, The Giver Series, and all the classics, including Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, and The Secret Garden. So by the start of Fourth Grade, you can imagine how hard it would be to find decent books to read. I struggled on my reading logs in Fourth and Fifth Grade, and spent hours at the Laura Bush Library all through sixth grade, riding the library school bus there, and being picked up by my dad. In Sixth Grade, I read mostly  romance novels, which were very, very short. I became out of practice. By now, I have a hundred different books that I’m dying to get around to, I just don’t finish them quick enough (The exact opposite of before).  Sooner or later, I’ll get back into my old habits, but until then, I’m stuck like this.





5 thoughts on “Reading and Me

  1. I feel ya, Saira. I used to read for hours on end (Once, I read 4 books in 2 days!), but now I just can’t find any time to read 🙁

  2. I feel you. I am always waiting for the next good book to come out but it seems like it never does! I hope a new one comes out soon!

  3. I love books. I could read anywhere at anytime. Sometimes I struggle finding books that I find worth reading though. I’ve already read all the books of my favorite author. So for now I’m just waiting for his next book!

  4. I remember that! You always had your nose stuck in a book, and looked grumpy when someone would interrupt you in your reading. Don’t worry, though, I’m sure you’ll get back into your old habits soon. Loved the post!

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